giovedì 9 marzo 2023

In Middle Earth where shadows reign ... (memorycard_ The Lord of The Rings) poem by Stefano Donno

In Middle Earth where shadows reign,

The fate of all is on the wane,

Darkness creeps and evil spreads,

As armies march with armored heads.


A fellowship of the brave,

A journey fraught with danger's wave,

Nine to conquer, one to rule,

The ring of power, a curse so cruel.


Through mountains, forests, rivers wide,

The ring bearer and his friends abide,

Their spirits high, their hope unbroken,

As Sauron's wrath remains unspoken.


The bond of friendship, strong and true,

Their love for one another grew,

And in the end, they triumphed o'er,

The darkness that had spread before.


Though scars remain, and wounds still ache,

The victory won, they did not break,

And Middle Earth, forever free,

From Sauron's grip, shall ever be.



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Lupin the Third, a legend they say, a master thief in his own unique way ... poem by Stefano Donno

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