martedì 16 maggio 2023

Lupin the Third, a legend they say, a master thief in his own unique way ... poem by Stefano Donno

In a world of shadows and intrigue,

Where secrets lie and capers take seed,

There strides a man of cunning and flair,

With lupine grace and devil-may-care.


Lupin the Third, a legend they say,

A master thief in his own unique way,

With a fedora perched atop his head,

He embarks on adventures, where e'er they may tread.


A connoisseur of charm and swift sleight,

He's a gentleman rogue, a thief of the night,

His laughter echoes through moonlit streets,

As he eludes pursuers with nimble feats.


In Lupin's wake, chaos unfurls,

From Paris to Tokyo, his banner unfurls,

He dances with danger, embracing the thrill,

With Zenigata chasing, an eternal uphill.


But behind the facade of audacious glee,

Lies a heart that longs for the taste of free,

He steals not for wealth, but for the sheer delight,

To challenge the world and its order, in flight.


His comrades, a motley crew of intrigue,

Jigen's aim true, Goemon's sword so sleek,

And Fujiko, the enigma draped in allure,

Together they seek treasures, bold and pure.


With gadgets and cunning, Lupin prevails,

Through webs of deception and cunning tales,

But amidst the chaos, a hero's heart beats,

Protecting the innocent, redemption he seeks.


In Lupin's realm, dreams take flight,

Where adventure reigns, like stars in the night,

An ode to the rogue with a lupine soul,

Whose legacy, timeless, continues to unfold.


So let us raise a toast to Lupin the Third,

The master of thieves, in legends ensnared,

May his spirit endure, forever untamed,

In tales of mischief and triumph acclaimed


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Lupin the Third, a legend they say, a master thief in his own unique way ... poem by Stefano Donno

In a world of shadows and intrigue, Where secrets lie and capers take seed, There strides a man of cunning and flair, With lupine grace...