domenica 29 gennaio 2023

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) poem by Stefano Donno

Beyond the blue horizon 

Lies a realm of endless fascination 

Where NASA dares to explore 

And unlock the secrets of the nation

With every rocket launch and flight 

They pave the way for human might

 To reach for the stars and beyond 

And unlock the mysteries of the night

From the depths of space they gaze 

To unravel the secrets of the universe 

With curiosity and wonder as their guide 

They set out to seek and immerse

With every step and every leap 

NASA pushes the boundaries of science 

Earning its place in history 

As the leader in space reliance

So here's to NASA and its crew 

For the work that they do 

Exploring the infinite expanse 

And for all that is yet to ensue.



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