mercoledì 8 marzo 2023

Amy Winehouse, a voice so true ... poem by Stefano Donno

Amy Winehouse, a voice so true,

Sang with passion, sang with soul anew,

With melodies that caught our ear,

And lyrics that made us shed a tear.


Her voice, a blend of pain and joy,

Told stories of love, loss, and the ploy,

Of those who seek to bring us down,

But she stood tall, and wore her crown.


Her music moved us, touched our hearts,

With each note, a piece of art,

Her sound was vintage, yet so fresh,

Her spirit, an untamed mesh.


She lived her life, her way, so bold,

A fire that burned, and left us cold,

For when she left, a part of us,

Was gone, and left us feeling lost.


But her legacy lives on, you see,

In every chord, every melody,

And in the hearts of those who knew,

That Amy Winehouse was something true.



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