domenica 26 marzo 2023

Oh, Greta Garbo, mystery untold ... poem by Stefano Donno

Oh, Greta Garbo, mystery untold,

A beauty that transcends time and mold,

Your eyes hold secrets that none can see,

Your allure a veil of enigma to me.


In silver screens you bewitched the world,

A goddess of grace, your image unfurled,

The way you moved, a dance of grace,

A lasting memory of your radiant face.


You were the queen of silent film,

Your talent undeniable, your spirit still,

Your presence magnetic, your voice rare,

A legend of cinema, beyond compare.


Oh, Greta Garbo, you captivate,

A star that shines, a memory that elates,

Your legacy lives on, forever bold,

A timeless beauty, forever told.



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