sabato 25 marzo 2023

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors: poetry in blood! poem by Stefano Donno

The darkness falls, the night draws near,

And in our dreams, we face our fear,

For Freddy Krueger's on the prowl,

His razor glove, a deadly howl.


But in this world, the children fight,

With powers gained from dreams at night,

A force of will to push away,

The demon's grasp, and make him pay.


The Dream Warriors, young and strong,

Against the evil, they belong,

With every thought and every breath,

They battle on, defying death.


For in their dreams, they find a way,

To turn the tables and to sway,

The balance of this deadly game,

And make the monster scream in shame.


With love and courage, strength and will,

They face their nightmares, dark and chill,

And in the end, they claim the prize,

Their freedom, won through sacrifice.


A Nightmare on Elm Street 3,

A tale of horror, yet so free,

For in this story, we can see,

That even in our dreams, we're free.



Quentin Tarantino, a name so grand, an artist who defies the bland ... poem by Stefano Donno

A world of violence and deceit,

Where guns and blades and blood do meet,

A place where justice is but a dream,

And nothing is quite as it seems.


In every frame a story told,

Of broken hearts and souls so cold,

Of vengeful men with twisted minds,

And women strong, with hidden finds.


The dialogue, so sharp and sly,

It cuts through every alibi,

Revealing truths and lies alike,

And making wrongs seem almost right.


From Pulp Fiction to Kill Bill,

A cinematic thrill to thrill,

A mastermind of art and craft,

His vision, unique and unmatched.


Quentin Tarantino, a name so grand,

An artist who defies the bland,

He takes us on a journey wild,

A ride that leaves us reconciled.


For in his world, we learn to see,

The darkness that lies within thee,

And with each tale that he unfolds,

We find ourselves both brave and bold.



venerdì 24 marzo 2023

Evil Dead 2 ... a book of the dead! poem by Stefano Donno

A cabin in the woods, so quiet and serene,

But little do they know, what they'll soon glean,

A book of the dead, bound in human flesh,

Its power so dark, it's better left fresh.


Ash and his friends, seeking a weekend of fun,

Unleash an evil force, that cannot be undone,

A cursed land, where demons reign,

And only the brave, can hope to remain.


As the night wears on, the terror begins,

The dead arise, and their hunger never thins,

Ash fights for his life, with a chainsaw and gun,

But the evil keeps coming, one by one.


The madness ensues, with humor and gore,

As Ash battles demons, and so much more,

The laughs and screams, come in equal measure,

As the forces of evil, continue to pressure.


In the end, Ash stands tall, victorious and strong,

But the nightmare still lingers, in his heart for so long,

A legend is born, in this horror flick of dread,

Evil Dead 2, forever alive, in the minds of the undead.



In the land of South Korea, a leader rises with a new hope ... poem by Stefano Donno

In the land of South Korea,

A leader rises with a new hope,

Yoon Suk-yeol, the one and only,

In his hands, a future to elope.


With his calm and measured voice,

He seeks to bring a change,

A man of integrity and empathy,

His vision, the people crave.


His country, he says, is a work in progress,

A journey to a brighter tomorrow,

A land of innovation, of harmony and growth,

Where every citizen can find their glow.


And behind the humble demeanor,

Lies a leader with a heart of gold,

A man who listens and understands,

The stories that have never been told.


Yoon Suk-yeol, the man in charge,

The one with the hope and dream,

A leader of a nation, yes,

But at what cost to his team?


For all the promises and visions he shares,

And the challenges that he faces,

Is he truly ready, truly prepared,

For the journey that he embraces?


In the land of South Korea,

The people trust in his resolve,

For a leader who will guide them,

And help them to evolve.


And now, they follow Yoon Suk-yeol,

The man with the steadfast goal,

And with his leadership, they hope to see,

A brighter future, one that's whole.



In the land of North Korea, a leader reigns with an iron fist ... poem by Stefano Donno

In the land of North Korea,

A leader reigns with an iron fist,

Kim Jong-un, the one and only,

In his hands, the fate of a nation persists.


With his stern and stoic face,

He commands loyalty and respect,

A man of power and authority,

His words, the people never reject.


His country, he says, is supreme,

The envy of the world, they say,

A land of plenty, of unity and peace,

Where everyone bows and obey.


But behind the grand facade,

Lies a truth that's hard to see,

A people suppressed and oppressed,

Deprived of their liberty.


Kim Jong-un, the man in charge,

The one with the ultimate control,

A leader of a nation, yes,

But at what cost to his soul?


For all the power and might he wields,

And the fear that he instills,

Is he truly content, truly happy,

Or does his heart ache for what he kills?


In the land of North Korea,

The people pray for a brighter day,

For a leader who will set them free,

And lead them a different way.


But for now, they follow Kim Jong-un,

The man with the iron grip,

And hope that one day, they will see,

A future where freedom won't slip.





giovedì 23 marzo 2023

Xi Jinping, a man with a mission to transform China's future, and to weather any storm ... poem by Stefano Donno

Amidst the bustle of the city and the hum of the crowd

Stands a leader with a vision that is bold and proud

Xi Jinping, a man with a mission to transform

China's future, and to weather any storm


From the depths of poverty to the heights of prosperity

Under his guidance, China has flourished with tenacity

With his eye on the horizon, he leads with wisdom and might

To build a world where fairness and justice shine bright


His words carry weight, his actions speak volumes

A diplomat, a strategist, a leader who resonates with many plumes

With a focus on innovation, technology and green growth

He paves the way for a future that is truly worth both


Amidst the challenges of the world, he remains steadfast and resolute

Leading China with a vision, that is bold and astute

A new era is dawning, under his wise and able leadership

As China rises, towards a brighter and better tomorrow, with a bold grip


Xi Jinping, a leader of the people, for the people, and with the people

In him, China has found a visionary, a beacon, and a steeple

May his vision guide us all, towards a world that's just and fair

As we journey together, towards a future that we can all share.



Man Ray's art, a surrealistic delight ... poem by Stefano Donno

In shadows and light, his lens did roam

Capturing moments, suspended in chrome

Man Ray's art, a surrealistic delight

A dreamlike world, captured in black and white


From lips curled in a mischievous grin

To faces obscured, faces hidden within

The lines and curves, the shapes and forms

Intriguing and alluring, evocative norms


The play of light, the contrast stark

A world beyond, in the shadows dark

The abstract and surreal, in a single frame

A visual journey, forever the same


A chessboard, a metronome, a violin's strings

A surreal world, in mundane things

Man Ray's art, a reflection of his mind

A world of wonder, for us to find


In shadows and light, his lens did roam

Capturing moments, suspended in chrome

Man Ray's photography, a timeless art

A surrealistic vision, that sets us apart.



mercoledì 22 marzo 2023

In the film Hellraiser, the terror unfolds ... poem by Stefano Donno

In the depths of darkness, where evil hides

A box, a puzzle, with secrets inside

A gateway to pain, to pleasure, to hell

A horror story, that's all too real to tell


Pinhead, the demon, with nails in his head

A sadistic smile, his victims he's led

To the depths of the abyss, where demons reign

Where torture is pleasure, and pain is the game


The Cenobites, his minions, with hooks and chains

They feed on the suffering, their souls in flames

Their eyes, black holes, that stare into your soul

Their existence, a nightmare, that's hard to control


In the film Hellraiser, the terror unfolds

A warning, a caution, to be brave, be bold

For the pleasure you seek, may lead to your doom

A lesson learned, in a darkened room


So beware, the box, the puzzle, the key

For the horrors of hell, you may just set free

And once they're unleashed, there's no turning back

Hellraiser, a nightmare, that will always attack.



Lee Lozano's art, a reflection of her mind ... poem by Stefano Donno

Lee Lozano's art, a reflection of her mind

Intriguing and abstract, not easy to define

A rebel, a feminist, a challenging voice

Her work, a testament to her bold choice


With lines and shapes, she creates her own world

Unafraid to break rules, her vision unfurled

Her paintings and drawings, a visual delight

A glimpse into her psyche, a vivid insight


Her use of color, bold and unapologetic

Her forms, sometimes chaotic, sometimes geometric

Her art, a rebellion against societal norms

A reflection of her soul, her spirit, her storms


Lee Lozano's legacy, a gift to behold

A true artist, with a story to be told

Her work, an inspiration, a call to be free

To create and express, just like she.



Lupin the Third, a legend they say, a master thief in his own unique way ... poem by Stefano Donno

In a world of shadows and intrigue, Where secrets lie and capers take seed, There strides a man of cunning and flair, With lupine grace...