venerdì 24 marzo 2023

In the land of North Korea, a leader reigns with an iron fist ... poem by Stefano Donno

In the land of North Korea,

A leader reigns with an iron fist,

Kim Jong-un, the one and only,

In his hands, the fate of a nation persists.


With his stern and stoic face,

He commands loyalty and respect,

A man of power and authority,

His words, the people never reject.


His country, he says, is supreme,

The envy of the world, they say,

A land of plenty, of unity and peace,

Where everyone bows and obey.


But behind the grand facade,

Lies a truth that's hard to see,

A people suppressed and oppressed,

Deprived of their liberty.


Kim Jong-un, the man in charge,

The one with the ultimate control,

A leader of a nation, yes,

But at what cost to his soul?


For all the power and might he wields,

And the fear that he instills,

Is he truly content, truly happy,

Or does his heart ache for what he kills?


In the land of North Korea,

The people pray for a brighter day,

For a leader who will set them free,

And lead them a different way.


But for now, they follow Kim Jong-un,

The man with the iron grip,

And hope that one day, they will see,

A future where freedom won't slip.





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