lunedì 27 febbraio 2023

The Star Trek way ... poem by Stefano Donno

Boldly they went, where no one had gone before,

The crew of the Enterprise, with their phasers and more.

Their mission was to explore the final frontier,

To seek out new life and civilizations, with no fear.


Captain Kirk at the helm, with his wit and charm,

Spock with logic and reason, keeping the ship from harm.

Bones with his medical expertise, always at the ready,

Scotty with his engineering skills, keeping the ship steady.


Their travels took them to strange new worlds,

Encountering alien species, with their flags unfurled.

They made peace with some, while battling others,

But always seeking to understand their brothers.


The Prime Directive was their guiding light,

To interfere not in the affairs of other's flight.

To respect their cultures and ways of being,

And to leave them to their own lives worth seeing.


Through warp speed and time travel, they journeyed on,

Facing challenges, with a spirit that was never gone.

For Star Trek is more than just a sci-fi show,

It's a vision of a future where peace and unity flow.


Where differences are celebrated, and diversity is key,

Where exploration and learning, are the pathways to be.

So let us all boldly go, with the Star Trek way,

And create a future that's bright, with a better today.



The Teutonic Knights poem by Stefano Donno

With courage and honor, they rode into battle,

The Teutonic Knights, their might no one could rattle.

Their armor shone in the sun's golden light,

As they charged forward, full of strength and might.


Their mission was pure, their hearts steadfast,

To serve God and protect, they would do their last.

Their vows they kept, their oaths they swore,

With discipline and loyalty, forevermore.


With mercy and justice, they treated all,

Their enemies defeated, their friends they'd call.

In peace they'd rebuild, with love and care,

Their duty fulfilled, with pride they'd share.


Their legacy lives on, a testament to their creed,

Their courage and honor, a shining beacon indeed.

May we learn from their principles and ways,

And carry on their legacy through the coming days.



giovedì 23 febbraio 2023

Ghostbusters poem by Stefano Donno

In a city of bustle and noise,

Where spirits roamed and caused great poise,

There stood a team, brave and bold,

To face the ghosts, they were told.


With proton packs and traps in hand,

They ventured forth to take a stand,

Against the ghosts that plagued the town,

And turned it upside down.


Egon, Ray, and Peter too,

Winston joined, a new recruit,

Together they fought, with all their might,

To keep the city safe, both day and night.


Slimer, Gozer, and Stay Puft too,

All foes they faced, and conquered through,

With humor and wit, they faced their fears,

And left the city, with no more tears.


But even heroes, need a break,

And when the Ghostbusters needed to shake,

They danced and sang, with joy and glee,

Showing us all, how to be carefree.


So when the ghosts, come around,

Remember the Ghostbusters, who stood their ground,

And if you're ever feeling blue,

Just dance and sing, and let loose too.



In a town ... poem by Stefano Donno

In a town, small and quaint,

Where snowflakes fell and cars would faint,

There lived a boy, full of cheer,

Whose Christmas gift would soon appear.


A furry creature, cute and small,

With big brown eyes and a voice so tall,

But with a warning, he was bestowed,

"Don't feed him after midnight," they told.


Gizmo was his name, his joy so pure,

But with just one mistake, chaos would lure,

As the gremlins grew, their mischief soared,

And the town was left, completely floored.


They played and danced, wreaking havoc in sight,

With their mischievous minds, they caused quite a fright,

Until the boy, with courage so bright,

Fought back against the gremlins, with all his might.


In the end, peace was restored,

And the boy and Gizmo, forever adored,

For teaching us all, a valuable lesson,

To be responsible and make the right decision.


So if you ever hear, a gremlin's call,

Remember the tale of the boy and Gizmo's brawl,

And if you're ever gifted, a furry friend,

Be responsible, and love them to the end.



mercoledì 22 febbraio 2023

In the land of dreams ... poem by Stefano Donno

In the land of dreams and schemes,

Where the city never sleeps,

Once upon a time in America,

A tale of friendship and deceit.


The streets were paved with gold,

But the cost was steep and cold,

For those who dared to dream,

Were often left to scheme.


In the midst of all the chaos,

Two friends stood side by side,

Their bond unbreakable,

Their loyalty never to hide.


Through the years they rose,

In a world of crooks and foes,

But as their empire grew,

So did the price they had to rue.


The memories of the past,

Haunted them till the last,

For every dream they had fulfilled,

Came with a price that was unfulfilled.


Once upon a time in America,

A tale of love and loss,

Where the glitz and glamour,

Masked the emptiness and cross.


For in the end, what remained,

Were the memories that stained,

Of a friendship that stood tall,

In a city that devoured all.


So let us raise a toast,

To the ones who paid the most,

For the dreams they had to chase,

In a city that had no grace.



Magic in ancient world poem by Stefano Donno

In ancient times, in lands of old,

Where myths and legends were told,

The world was full of magic and wonder,

With powers that tore the veil asunder.


From the Nile to the Aegean Sea,

The power of magic was plain to see,

The priests of Isis, the mystic Druids,

All wielded spells that seemed like fluid.


Through the sands of time, their secrets were kept,

In books and scrolls, their knowledge was swept,

But some still whisper of the ancient art,

And the power it held to mend the heart.


The gods and goddesses of myth and lore,

Were worshipped and revered like never before,

And those who knew the secrets of the divine,

Could call upon their power at any time.


From the spell of love to the curse of hate,

The magic of the ancient world was great,

And though we may never fully comprehend,

Its mysteries will endure until the end.


For in the power of magic lies,

The hope and faith that helps us rise,

To face the challenges of life with ease,

And find the courage to follow our dreams.



Lupin the Third, a legend they say, a master thief in his own unique way ... poem by Stefano Donno

In a world of shadows and intrigue, Where secrets lie and capers take seed, There strides a man of cunning and flair, With lupine grace...