mercoledì 22 febbraio 2023

Magic in ancient world poem by Stefano Donno

In ancient times, in lands of old,

Where myths and legends were told,

The world was full of magic and wonder,

With powers that tore the veil asunder.


From the Nile to the Aegean Sea,

The power of magic was plain to see,

The priests of Isis, the mystic Druids,

All wielded spells that seemed like fluid.


Through the sands of time, their secrets were kept,

In books and scrolls, their knowledge was swept,

But some still whisper of the ancient art,

And the power it held to mend the heart.


The gods and goddesses of myth and lore,

Were worshipped and revered like never before,

And those who knew the secrets of the divine,

Could call upon their power at any time.


From the spell of love to the curse of hate,

The magic of the ancient world was great,

And though we may never fully comprehend,

Its mysteries will endure until the end.


For in the power of magic lies,

The hope and faith that helps us rise,

To face the challenges of life with ease,

And find the courage to follow our dreams.



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