lunedì 30 gennaio 2023

9/11 poem by Stefano Donno

A day that changed the world so fast, 

Innocent lives were taken, a tragedy cast. 

The towers fell, a nation shook, 

The world watched in horror, it was a sight to behold, it was no joke.

The bravery of first responders, heroes of the day, 

Rushing in to save lives, without delay. 

A symbol of freedom, now just a memory, 

The loss still felt, in the hearts of many.

But in the face of darkness, light still shines, 

A nation united, love and peace aligns. 

We will never forget, the ones we lost, 

And honor their legacy, at any cost.

Nine eleven, a day to remember, 

A time for reflection, for peace to surrender. 

Let us come together, hand in hand, 

And build a world of love, where love can expand.



domenica 29 gennaio 2023

Valentine's Day Gifts poem by Stefano Donno

My love, my heart belongs to you 

In every beat, it whispers true 

With every breath, I speak your name 

And in your arms, my heart is tamed

My dear, you are my shining star 

Guiding me through life's twists and scars 

With you, my world is bright and new 

For in my heart, I'll always love you

You are my sun, my moon, my sky 

You light up my world, and make it fly 

With every kiss, and every touch 

I feel my love for you, grow so much

My love, I'll hold you close to me 

Forever, till eternity 

For you are the one I've waited for 

And in my heart, you'll forever be stored

So on this Valentine's Day, my dear 

I give you all my love sincere 

For you are the one I'll always need 

My love, my heart, my everything.



NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) poem by Stefano Donno

Beyond the blue horizon 

Lies a realm of endless fascination 

Where NASA dares to explore 

And unlock the secrets of the nation

With every rocket launch and flight 

They pave the way for human might

 To reach for the stars and beyond 

And unlock the mysteries of the night

From the depths of space they gaze 

To unravel the secrets of the universe 

With curiosity and wonder as their guide 

They set out to seek and immerse

With every step and every leap 

NASA pushes the boundaries of science 

Earning its place in history 

As the leader in space reliance

So here's to NASA and its crew 

For the work that they do 

Exploring the infinite expanse 

And for all that is yet to ensue.



sabato 28 gennaio 2023

John Fitzgerald Kennedy ... a man of great dreams poem by Stefano Donno

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a man of great dreams

Leaving his legacy to ensure the best it seems

His passion left behind a nation full of pride

For a man who strived to make the people unified


He fought for freedom and to see a better day

A leader who strove to make his country's dismay

His speech declared a new era of hope

In the quest to make America great, he never had to elope


The man of courage, who led the way

His beliefs will be remembered in our hearts to this day

The spirit of John Fitzgerald Kennedy will never die

His voice still echoes in the sky



Chinaski poem by Stefano Donno

Charles Bukowski, a man of grit and grace

A poet of the streets, with a rough-hewn face

A voice for the downtrodden, the lost, the poor

His words like a lifeline, forever more

With pen in hand, he wrote of love and hate

Of whiskey, women, and a life of fate

His words raw and real, a mirror to our souls

A window into a world that often feels so cold

He wrote of the beauty in the darkest places

Of the light that shines in the dirtiest faces

He taught us to find the poetry in the mundane

And to never be afraid to speak our pain

So here's to you, Charles Bukowski, the bard of L.A

Your words will live on, forever and a day

You've left a legacy of truth and beauty

For all of us to find, in our search for true humility.



Love forever poem by Stefano Donno

Love forever, a feeling so pure, 

A bond that will last, forevermore. 

A flame that never fades or dims, 

A light that forever shines within.

It's the touch that warms the soul, 

A feeling that makes us whole. 

It's the laughter that fills our hearts, 

And the tears that make love its art.

Love forever, it's the promise we make, 

To stand by each other, come what may. 

It's the hand that we hold, in good times and bad, 

And the love that makes life worth living, mad.

Love forever, it's the beauty of life, 

A feeling that brings joy, free from strife. 

It's the bond that ties us together, 

And the love that will last, forever and ever.





A symbol of hate and genocide: Auschwitz poem by Stefano Donno

 Auschwitz, a name now etched in sorrow, 

A place where innocent lives were borrowed. 

A symbol of hate and genocide, 

A reminder of humanity's darkest side.

The trains arrived, packed with the doomed, 

Taken from homes, families, and rooms. 

Separated by fate, the strong from the weak, 

Sent to the gas chambers, their fate to seek.

The chimneys smoke, the ashes fall, 

The screams of the dying, heard by all. 

A nightmare that still haunts our dreams, 

A tragedy that forever beams.

Auschwitz, a place where humanity died, 

A place where love and compassion were denied. 

May we never forget the atrocities done, 

And work towards a future, where love is won.


Lupin the Third, a legend they say, a master thief in his own unique way ... poem by Stefano Donno

In a world of shadows and intrigue, Where secrets lie and capers take seed, There strides a man of cunning and flair, With lupine grace...