venerdì 3 febbraio 2023

8 Rules of Love (only?!): How to Find It, Keep It, and Let It Go ... and GO, and GO, and Go ... poem by Stefano Donno

Eight rules of love, a guide to find,

A heart that's true, and peace of mind,

A journey worth taking, step by step,

To find the love that makes us freer than we've ever been.


First rule, believe, have faith in love,

For it's the magic from above,

That brings us joy and happiness,

And fills our hearts with tenderness.


Second rule, be open to new,

Embrace the change, see what's true,

For love can come from unexpected places,

And bring new meaning to our lives and spaces.


Third rule, let go of fear and pain,

And trust that love will come again,

For every heartache leads to growth,

And helps us find what we're seeking, both.


Fourth rule, be kind and understand,

For love requires a gentle hand,

To nurture and to guide it through,

And bring it to a brighter hue.


Fifth rule, communicate with care,

And listen well, be always there,

For love depends on open hearts,

And honest words to play their parts.


Sixth rule, respect each other's space,

And give the room to grow in grace,

For love requires space to flourish,

And grow into a bond that nourishes.


Seventh rule, be patient, hold on tight,

For love will weather every night,

And bring new light to every day,

And guide us to a brighter way.


Eighth rule, let go when it's time,

And trust that love will always shine,

For every love must come to an end,

And make room for a love that's truer, and friend.


These are the eight rules of love,

A guide to find, keep, and let it go,

For love is the greatest gift of all,

And brings us closer to each other, big or small.



Spare poem by Stefano Donno

 In stillness, I sit and ponder,

Thinking of a word that's under

Appreciation, often spare,

But holds a power beyond compare.


It speaks of emptiness and space,

A void to fill at our own pace,

A room for something new to grow,

A chance for life to put on show.


Spare time, a gift beyond measure,

For dreams to come alive with pleasure,

A chance to slow down and be still,

And find the joy that time can fulfill.


It speaks of generosity and care,

Of offering a helping hand to share,

A kindness that can change a life,

And bring a smile through trouble and strife.


So let us cherish this word spare,

And use it well, with thought and care,

For in its emptiness, we'll find,

A wealth of possibilities combined.





giovedì 2 febbraio 2023

The first man on the moon poem by Stefano Donno

On a summer's day, in nineteen sixty-nine, 

Man took his first step, on a distant shore line.

The moon, a place once thought out of reach, 

Was now a stepping stone, for man to breach.

With every step, a giant leap for all, 

The first man on the moon, he stood tall. 

The world below watched, with bated breath, 

As history was made, with a giant step.

The flag was planted, with a proud salute, 

A symbol of man's ambition, his pursuit. 

Of knowledge, of strength, of all that's true, 

On a barren rock, a million miles from blue.

And now, as we look upon that dusty moon, 

We are filled with wonder, and a sense of boon. 

For the first man on the moon, he paved the way, 

For all mankind to reach, for what we may.

So let us remember, that fateful day, 

When man took a step, on a distant shore lay. 

For it's a symbol of all that we can be, 

With courage, and strength, and our wildest dream.



Pearl Harbour a day of infamy poem by Stefano Donno

Pearl Harbor, oh what a sight, 

A day that changed the course of might. 

The skies were calm, the waters still, 

But terror struck with a deadly skill.

The bombs rained down, the ships did burn, 

The smoke and fire, a painful turn. 

Men bravely fought, but couldn't win, 

Their courage lost in the attack's din.

The lives lost, a heavy toll, 

The nation shook, with a heart full of woe. 

But from the ashes, a fire did rise, 

A spirit of strength that met the skies.

The attack on Pearl Harbor we'll never forget, 

A tragic chapter, in history's debt. 

We honor the brave, who fought that day, 

Their sacrifice, a debt we'll repay.

So let us remember, the toll it took, 

And vow to keep our freedom, forever unshook. 

Pearl Harbor, a symbol of our might, 

A reminder of a day, that changed the light.



Fourth of July in the USA poem by Stefano Donno

A day to celebrate our freedom, hoorah! 

Fireworks light up the sky, oh what a display 

As we gather with friends and family to pray

For the heroes who fought for our independence 

And the bravery they showed in defense 

Of our nation, the land of the free 

With liberty and justice for all, that’s the decree

We celebrate with pride and joy

The memories of the brave girls and boys 

Who fought for our rights, our cause 

And with each year, their memory still holds

So let us come together, hand in hand 

With gratitude for this great land As we celebrate our independence day 

On the Fourth of July in the USA!



mercoledì 1 febbraio 2023

In secret, Bansky paints his heart ... poem by Stefano Donno

In secret, Bansky paints his heart, 

A message to the world, a work of art. 

A spray can in hand, a rebel's tool, 

Bringing to life, his thought so cool.

His work speaks truth, a voice of the street, 

Challenging norms, with a message so neat. 

Society's issues, he puts on display, 

A commentary, that makes us all weigh.

From rats to balloon girls, his images bold, 

A commentary, that never grows old. 

His art provokes, and sparks debate, 

A call to action, it's never too late.

His identity a mystery, yet his work known, 

His street art, forever, will be shown. 

Bansky's art, a symbol of hope, 

Inspiring change, and helping us cope.

So here's to Bansky, the artist so wise, 

Bringing color to our lives, with his streetwise disguise.



The war in Ukraine, a tale so grim ... poem by Stefano Donno

The war in Ukraine, a tale so grim, 

A nation torn apart at the seams. 

Brothers and sisters, caught in the crossfire, 

Lives lost and families brought to their knees.

In the east, the sounds of bombs and shots, 

The sky lit up with the flames of war. 

Innocent people forced to flee their homes, 

In search of safety they can't ignore.

The world watches on, as the conflict rages, 

With no end in sight, no solution to be found. 

But the people of Ukraine, they stand their ground, 

Defending their land, with courage so renowned.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, 

The shining lights of hope still burn. 

The people stand together, united in their quest, 

To bring peace to their land, for their children's turn.

So let this be a lesson, to all who hear, 

That war can bring nothing but pain and tears. 

And may the world come together, hand in hand, 

To help Ukraine heal, and build a future so grand.



Area 51, secret and secrets poem by Stefano Donno

In the heart of Nevada's desolate land, 

Lies a place that's shrouded in mystery, so grand. 

A top secret base, with a purpose untold, 

Area 51, a place that's both new and old.

It's a place of legends, a land of intrigue, 

Of aliens, conspiracies, and secrets yet to be seen. 

With gates that are guarded, and cameras that watch, 

It's a place that's both fascinating, and deeply botch.

Some say it's a lab, where they keep flying saucers, 

Others claim it's a portal, to other worlds and their testers. 

But no one knows for sure, what lies within its walls, 

And so the rumors and myths, continue to enthrall.

It's a place of mystery, of questions and conjecture, 

A place that's both eerie and fascinating, without a correct. 

And so we wonder, and speculate, and dream, 

Of what might be hiding, in Area 51's seemingly.

So as the sun sets, and the night falls, 

We gaze up at the stars, and listen for the calls. 

Of the unknown, the mysterious, and the strange, 

Area 51, a place that will always remain.



Oh, great Walter Whitman ... poem by Stefano Donno

Oh, great Walter Whitman, a poet of renown,

Whose words in verse and prose continue to astound.

A bard of the people, a voice of the land,

A celebration of life, love, and humanity's grand.

From the rolling hills of Long Island to the bustling streets of Brooklyn,

Your poetry captures the essence of this great nation.

The prairies and rivers, the mountains and seas,

All find a home in your timeless melodies.

Your words are a mirror, reflecting our souls,

With a voice that is gentle, yet powerful as a roll.

Of thunder and lightening, that shakes the ground,

With a message of hope, that will always resound.

With each line, you celebrate the common man,

And his struggles, his triumphs, and his passions so grand.

You saw the beauty in the ordinary, the divine in the everyday, 

And inspired us to look at the world in a new way.

Oh, Walter Whitman, a giant of the ages,

Your words continue to light up the pages.

A poet for all time, a voice of the earth,

We raise a glass to you, and to your remarkable worth.



martedì 31 gennaio 2023

To Be Noam Chomsky poem by Stefano Donno

Noam Chomsky, a mind so wise,

A scholar with a vision so bright,

Bringing change to the world with his insights,

A voice for truth, a ray of light.


In linguistics, he leads the way,

Defying norms, challenging what's known,

With theories that inspire and astound,

A true master, his work will never drown.


Beyond language, he stands for peace,

Fighting for justice, human rights,

With speeches that stir the soul,

Empowering us to join the fight.


Noam Chomsky, a hero of our time,

A mentor to all who seek the truth,

His legacy will live on through the ages,

Inspiring change for generations to come.



War in Vietnam poem by Stefano Donno

A war so far away, in a land called Vietnam,

Brothers fought, sisters cried, mothers prayed, hearts torn.

Freedom and Democracy, the cause they fought to uphold,

But the cost, oh the cost, of human life untold.

In the jungle's humid heat, with gunfire in the air,

Young soldiers fought and died, with no one left to care.

Their bravery in battle, against a hidden enemy,

In a war they never chose, but still they had to be.

The tears of mothers, the cries of wives,

The memories of a life, that no longer survives.

Innocent lives lost, in a land so far away,

For a cause they thought was right, but it's price was far too great.

So let us remember, the sacrifices made,

The bravery of those who fought, and the price they paid.

For in their memory, we keep alive the fight,

For freedom and democracy, that we hold so dear and bright.



The Circus Life poem by Stefano Donno

Beneath the big top, a world unfolds,

Of laughter, gasps, and bright colors bold,

A place where daring acts come alive,

And dreams are made with every dive.

Where tightrope walkers tread with grace,

And clowns bring smiles to every face,

Where acrobats soar through the air,

And elephants show their strength and flair.

The ringmaster leads with his magic call,

As the audience watches in awe,

The circus is a world of its own,

Where memories are made and never outgrown.

So here's to the life of the circus,

A world of wonder and excitement for us,

Where anything can happen, it's true,

And memories are made, a treasure trove for you.



lunedì 30 gennaio 2023

Cats poem by Stefano Donno

Feline grace and playful purr, 

Sleek and soft, a velvet fur. 

Eyes that gleam like shining gems, 

Mystery and love, a feline's den.

With a flick of tail, they play, 

Chasing dreams from night to day. 

Lazing in the sun's warm beams, 

A world of comfort, just like dreams.

Their purring soothes the soul within, 

A gentle touch of love, within. 

With curious paws, they explore, And hold our hearts, forever more.

 Oh, cats! So wondrous and so bright, 

A source of joy and delight. 

In each and every single one, 

A mystery and love, forever begun.


Mission Impossible poem dedicated to Tom Cruise by Stefano Donno

Tom Cruise, an icon in the movie scene, 

A man of talent, charisma, and sheen. 

With a smile that lights up the screen, 

He's a star who's captured hearts and keen.

From "Risky Business" to "Top Gun," 

His roles are diverse, never second to none. 

With his unwavering passion, he's second to none, 

His dedication to his craft, truly second to none.

He takes us on a journey with each new role, 

With energy and enthusiasm, he takes control. 

Tom Cruise, a true Hollywood gem, 

A performer who inspires us, time and again.

So here's to Tom Cruise, a true legend, 

A man whose talent, 

we'll always remember and extend. 

In a world of endless stars, he shines so bright,

Tom Cruise, forever a Hollywood light.


(Tom Cruise al San Diego Comic-Con International 2019)





9/11 poem by Stefano Donno

A day that changed the world so fast, 

Innocent lives were taken, a tragedy cast. 

The towers fell, a nation shook, 

The world watched in horror, it was a sight to behold, it was no joke.

The bravery of first responders, heroes of the day, 

Rushing in to save lives, without delay. 

A symbol of freedom, now just a memory, 

The loss still felt, in the hearts of many.

But in the face of darkness, light still shines, 

A nation united, love and peace aligns. 

We will never forget, the ones we lost, 

And honor their legacy, at any cost.

Nine eleven, a day to remember, 

A time for reflection, for peace to surrender. 

Let us come together, hand in hand, 

And build a world of love, where love can expand.



domenica 29 gennaio 2023

Valentine's Day Gifts poem by Stefano Donno

My love, my heart belongs to you 

In every beat, it whispers true 

With every breath, I speak your name 

And in your arms, my heart is tamed

My dear, you are my shining star 

Guiding me through life's twists and scars 

With you, my world is bright and new 

For in my heart, I'll always love you

You are my sun, my moon, my sky 

You light up my world, and make it fly 

With every kiss, and every touch 

I feel my love for you, grow so much

My love, I'll hold you close to me 

Forever, till eternity 

For you are the one I've waited for 

And in my heart, you'll forever be stored

So on this Valentine's Day, my dear 

I give you all my love sincere 

For you are the one I'll always need 

My love, my heart, my everything.



NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) poem by Stefano Donno

Beyond the blue horizon 

Lies a realm of endless fascination 

Where NASA dares to explore 

And unlock the secrets of the nation

With every rocket launch and flight 

They pave the way for human might

 To reach for the stars and beyond 

And unlock the mysteries of the night

From the depths of space they gaze 

To unravel the secrets of the universe 

With curiosity and wonder as their guide 

They set out to seek and immerse

With every step and every leap 

NASA pushes the boundaries of science 

Earning its place in history 

As the leader in space reliance

So here's to NASA and its crew 

For the work that they do 

Exploring the infinite expanse 

And for all that is yet to ensue.



sabato 28 gennaio 2023

John Fitzgerald Kennedy ... a man of great dreams poem by Stefano Donno

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a man of great dreams

Leaving his legacy to ensure the best it seems

His passion left behind a nation full of pride

For a man who strived to make the people unified


He fought for freedom and to see a better day

A leader who strove to make his country's dismay

His speech declared a new era of hope

In the quest to make America great, he never had to elope


The man of courage, who led the way

His beliefs will be remembered in our hearts to this day

The spirit of John Fitzgerald Kennedy will never die

His voice still echoes in the sky



Chinaski poem by Stefano Donno

Charles Bukowski, a man of grit and grace

A poet of the streets, with a rough-hewn face

A voice for the downtrodden, the lost, the poor

His words like a lifeline, forever more

With pen in hand, he wrote of love and hate

Of whiskey, women, and a life of fate

His words raw and real, a mirror to our souls

A window into a world that often feels so cold

He wrote of the beauty in the darkest places

Of the light that shines in the dirtiest faces

He taught us to find the poetry in the mundane

And to never be afraid to speak our pain

So here's to you, Charles Bukowski, the bard of L.A

Your words will live on, forever and a day

You've left a legacy of truth and beauty

For all of us to find, in our search for true humility.



Love forever poem by Stefano Donno

Love forever, a feeling so pure, 

A bond that will last, forevermore. 

A flame that never fades or dims, 

A light that forever shines within.

It's the touch that warms the soul, 

A feeling that makes us whole. 

It's the laughter that fills our hearts, 

And the tears that make love its art.

Love forever, it's the promise we make, 

To stand by each other, come what may. 

It's the hand that we hold, in good times and bad, 

And the love that makes life worth living, mad.

Love forever, it's the beauty of life, 

A feeling that brings joy, free from strife. 

It's the bond that ties us together, 

And the love that will last, forever and ever.





Lupin the Third, a legend they say, a master thief in his own unique way ... poem by Stefano Donno

In a world of shadows and intrigue, Where secrets lie and capers take seed, There strides a man of cunning and flair, With lupine grace...