domenica 26 marzo 2023

Oh, Danko, a symbol of bravery ... poem by Stefano Donno

In a world of danger and deceit,

A man of justice walks the street,

With eyes of steel and heart of gold,

He fights for what is right and bold.


His name is Danko, a hero born,

In streets of Moscow, he's never torn,

His mission clear, his aim precise,

To take down crime, with all his might.


He battles through the cold and snow,

With courage that few can ever know,

With fists of fury, and a gun in hand,

He faces down the enemy, his will unband.


In Danko's eyes, we see the fire,

The passion that fuels his desire,

To bring to justice those who do wrong,

And protect the innocent, all along.


Oh, Danko, a symbol of bravery,

A beacon of hope in a world of depravity,

Your spirit alive, your legacy strong,

Your name forever remembered in song.



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Lupin the Third, a legend they say, a master thief in his own unique way ... poem by Stefano Donno

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