martedì 16 maggio 2023

Lupin the Third, a legend they say, a master thief in his own unique way ... poem by Stefano Donno

In a world of shadows and intrigue,

Where secrets lie and capers take seed,

There strides a man of cunning and flair,

With lupine grace and devil-may-care.


Lupin the Third, a legend they say,

A master thief in his own unique way,

With a fedora perched atop his head,

He embarks on adventures, where e'er they may tread.


A connoisseur of charm and swift sleight,

He's a gentleman rogue, a thief of the night,

His laughter echoes through moonlit streets,

As he eludes pursuers with nimble feats.


In Lupin's wake, chaos unfurls,

From Paris to Tokyo, his banner unfurls,

He dances with danger, embracing the thrill,

With Zenigata chasing, an eternal uphill.


But behind the facade of audacious glee,

Lies a heart that longs for the taste of free,

He steals not for wealth, but for the sheer delight,

To challenge the world and its order, in flight.


His comrades, a motley crew of intrigue,

Jigen's aim true, Goemon's sword so sleek,

And Fujiko, the enigma draped in allure,

Together they seek treasures, bold and pure.


With gadgets and cunning, Lupin prevails,

Through webs of deception and cunning tales,

But amidst the chaos, a hero's heart beats,

Protecting the innocent, redemption he seeks.


In Lupin's realm, dreams take flight,

Where adventure reigns, like stars in the night,

An ode to the rogue with a lupine soul,

Whose legacy, timeless, continues to unfold.


So let us raise a toast to Lupin the Third,

The master of thieves, in legends ensnared,

May his spirit endure, forever untamed,

In tales of mischief and triumph acclaimed


sabato 13 maggio 2023

Chuck Norris, the warrior of myth and might - poem by Stefano Donno

In the realm of legends, a figure stands tall,

A name whispered with awe, known to all.

Chuck Norris, the warrior of myth and might,

A force unmatched, a beacon of light.


With fists of fury and a heart so strong,

He treads the path where heroes belong.

His presence commands respect and fear,

For Chuck Norris, the legend, is always near.


In battles fought, his skills transcend,

A martial artist, a true legend to commend.

His kicks are lightning, swift as the wind,

A master of combat, never to rescind.


From movies to memes, his fame did soar,

Chuck Norris, the one we all adore.

His roundhouse kick, a lethal surprise,

Bringing down adversaries with lightning in his eyes.


But beyond the prowess and physical might,

Resides a spirit shining ever so bright.

Chuck Norris, a symbol of honor and grace,

A champion for justice, an inspiration to embrace.


With humor and wit, he conquers our hearts,

A legend with humility, the sum of his parts.

Chuck Norris, a name that echoes through time,

Forever engraved, in the annals of rhyme.


So raise a cheer for this indomitable man,

Chuck Norris, the legend, whose legacy spans.

May his tales continue to inspire and enthral,

A true icon, forever standing tall.





venerdì 12 maggio 2023

David Foster Wallace, a luminary of thought ... poem by Stefano Donno

In the realm of infinite words, I find solace,

Inspired by a mind that sought to embrace,

David Foster Wallace, a luminary of thought,

Whose prose, like constellations, tirelessly sought.


In boundless pages, his brilliance unfurled,

A literary maestro, reshaping our world,

With introspection deep as ocean's abyss,

He dove into complexities, daring not to miss.


A maestro of language, his sentences soared,

With footnotes like rivers, meandering and adored,

His words danced and twirled, defying convention,

Crafting labyrinths of meaning, a genius invention.


Infinite jest, his magnum opus, it spoke,

Of modern life's absurdities, a satirical stroke,

With wit and compassion, he peeled back the layers,

Revealing the human condition, its joys and despairs.


His keen observations, both dark and profound,

Unveiled the fragility in life's merry-go-round,

For he understood that beneath our charades,

Lay fears and desires, in tangled cascades.


Through his essays and stories, he beckoned us near,

To confront our illusions, our hopes, and our fears,

To question our systems, both grand and minute,

And embrace the paradoxes that make us complete.


Yet, behind the brilliance, a troubled soul dwelled,

A battle within, a war never quelled,

For the burdens he carried were heavy and vast,

An empathetic heart, bearing the weight of the past.


Oh, David Foster Wallace, your words resonate,

In the depths of our souls, they reverberate,

Your legacy lives on, an eternal flame,

Guiding us through the labyrinth of life, just the same.


So let us cherish the gift you bestowed,

To seek truth and beauty on this winding road,

In the tapestry of words, we'll forever find solace,

Inspired by your spirit, dear Wallace.



giovedì 11 maggio 2023

A world of mutants, where the X-Men reside - poem by Stefano Donno

In the realm of pages, heroes come alive,

Through ink and colors, their powers thrive.

A world of mutants, where the X-Men reside,

In Italy's Panini Comics, their stories collide.


They stand as warriors, the gifted and strange,

With powers diverse, their abilities range.

Wolverine's adamantium claws, sharp and true,

Cyclops' optic blasts, blazing through.


Storm commands the tempest, skies she controls,

Jean Grey's telekinesis, a power that unfolds.

And let us not forget Professor X's wisdom profound,

Guiding the X-Men, a leader renowned.


Italy's Panini Comics, a gateway to their tales,

Where epic battles and adventures set sails.

From the pages, the mutants' struggles unfold,

Their fight for acceptance, a story to be told.


They face discrimination, fueled by fear,

But united they stand, their mission clear.

To protect a world that fears and rejects,

To bridge the divide, despite the world's defects.


Panini Comics, a portal to the X-Men's domain,

Where imagination soars, and heroes reign.

Italian readers embrace the mutant's plight,

Finding solace in stories that ignite.


So here's to the X-Men, the heroes so bold,

And to Panini Comics, who brought their stories untold.

May their adventures continue to inspire,

In Italy's hearts, forever admired.



lunedì 8 maggio 2023

The Necronomicon, its name revered, Whispers of ancient, forbidden seer ... poem by Stefano Donno

In darkest tomes, where shadows creep,

A book of lore, secrets to keep,

The Necronomicon, its name revered,

Whispers of ancient, forbidden seer.


From depths unknown, where madness thrives,

H.P. Lovecraft, his pen connives,

He weaves a tale, with words arcane,

Unveiling horrors, sanity's bane.


Within its pages, eldritch might,

Unveiling realms, beyond the light,

The Great Old Ones, their slumber deep,

Their dreams encased in maddening sleep.


Cthulhu rises from the abyss,

An elder god, whose touch is bliss,

But mortals tremble, their souls dismayed,

As sanity's veil begins to fade.


Nyarlathotep, a shape-shifting muse,

Spreading chaos, no one can refuse,

With whispered promises, deceitful wiles,

He lures the innocent with wicked smiles.


Azathoth, the blind and mindless dread,

A cosmic chaos, devouring dread,

His flute's melody, a maddening sound,

In which lost souls forever are bound.


Yog-Sothoth, the gatekeeper of realms,

Whose tendrils reach through cosmic helms,

Through time and space, his knowledge vast,

Unlocking secrets, the present and past.


Oh, Necronomicon, ancient grimoire,

Unleashing terrors, fear and dire,

Inscribed in blood, on pages old,

A testament to powers untold.


But heed this warning, oh seeker brave,

For knowledge sought may dig your grave,

The forbidden lore, a double-edged sword,

Madness and chaos, your mind ignored.


So tread with caution, mortal soul,

The Necronomicon's mysteries untold,

For in its depths, dark whispers sway,

And your sanity may be the price to pay.



domenica 7 maggio 2023

Iron Man ... In a world of steel and fire, A hero rises, born from desire .... - poem by Stefano Donno

In a world of steel and fire,

A hero rises, born from desire.

With heart of iron, a genius mind,

Iron Man soars, leaving no foe behind.


Inventor and innovator, a man of might,

Tony Stark's brilliance shines so bright.

A suit of armor, gleaming and grand,

He fights for justice, a hero in command.


With arc reactor glowing, a power untold,

Iron Man battles evils, brave and bold.

Through the skies he soars, like a shooting star,

Protecting the innocent, no matter how far.


In battles fierce, he stands tall and strong,

A symbol of hope when things go wrong.

Defending the weak, his purpose defined,

Iron Man's resolve, an unbreakable bind.


But beneath the armor, a mortal man lies,

Haunted by demons, hidden in his eyes.

A troubled soul, burdened by the past,

Yet he fights on, his resolve steadfast.


With repulsor blasts and armor's might,

Iron Man shines, a beacon of light.

A flawed hero, seeking redemption's grace,

A symbol of resilience in the darkest of space.


In comic pages, his adventures unfold,

A tale of courage, in stories untold.

Iron Man's legacy, forever renowned,

A legend in red and gold, eternally profound.


So raise a glass, to the hero so grand,

Iron Man, the Avenger, across the land.

In words and art, his spirit alive,

In the hearts of fans, his legacy will thrive.



venerdì 5 maggio 2023

In thunder and lightning, Thor does appear ... poem by Stefano Donno

In thunder and lightning, Thor does appear,

A god of power, might, and fear.

With his hammer Mjolnir in hand,

He traverses the nine realms, a majestic command.


From Asgard, he descends to Earth,

His strength and courage, of immeasurable worth.

With his noble heart and warrior's soul,

He battles evil with his legendary role.


In myth, he is the son of Odin,

A protector of justice, honor, and order unbroken.

In Marvel's world, he is a hero too,

A defender of the innocent and the true.


His foes tremble at his approach,

His friends stand tall with utmost poise.

He stands as a beacon of hope,

A symbol of courage, through any trope.


In every storm and tempest's rage,

In every battle, he stands center stage.

With his mighty hammer and his power divine,

He protects the worlds from all that's malign.


So raise a glass to the god of thunder,

To the hero who never goes under.

For he is the mightiest of all,

The one who answers every call.



Lupin the Third, a legend they say, a master thief in his own unique way ... poem by Stefano Donno

In a world of shadows and intrigue, Where secrets lie and capers take seed, There strides a man of cunning and flair, With lupine grace...