domenica 7 maggio 2023

Iron Man ... In a world of steel and fire, A hero rises, born from desire .... - poem by Stefano Donno

In a world of steel and fire,

A hero rises, born from desire.

With heart of iron, a genius mind,

Iron Man soars, leaving no foe behind.


Inventor and innovator, a man of might,

Tony Stark's brilliance shines so bright.

A suit of armor, gleaming and grand,

He fights for justice, a hero in command.


With arc reactor glowing, a power untold,

Iron Man battles evils, brave and bold.

Through the skies he soars, like a shooting star,

Protecting the innocent, no matter how far.


In battles fierce, he stands tall and strong,

A symbol of hope when things go wrong.

Defending the weak, his purpose defined,

Iron Man's resolve, an unbreakable bind.


But beneath the armor, a mortal man lies,

Haunted by demons, hidden in his eyes.

A troubled soul, burdened by the past,

Yet he fights on, his resolve steadfast.


With repulsor blasts and armor's might,

Iron Man shines, a beacon of light.

A flawed hero, seeking redemption's grace,

A symbol of resilience in the darkest of space.


In comic pages, his adventures unfold,

A tale of courage, in stories untold.

Iron Man's legacy, forever renowned,

A legend in red and gold, eternally profound.


So raise a glass, to the hero so grand,

Iron Man, the Avenger, across the land.

In words and art, his spirit alive,

In the hearts of fans, his legacy will thrive.



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