mercoledì 1 marzo 2023

Julius Evola, a man of great renown poem by Stefano Donno

In the midst of chaos, a voice did rise,

With a call for order, and a search for the wise,
Julius Evola, a man of great renown,
Whose words and ideas, still circulate around.
A warrior-scholar, steeped in ancient lore,
He sought to revive, a way of life of yore,
A path of transcendence, beyond the mundane,
A world beyond time, where the soul could reign.
Through his works, he sought to inspire,
A return to tradition, and a life of higher,
Purpose and meaning, for those who would seek,
A way to live, beyond the worldly meek.
For him, the world was in a state of decline,
And only a select few, could hope to define,
A way forward, towards a higher goal,
To rise above the masses, and free the soul.
Controversial and divisive, his ideas remain,
A challenge to the status quo, and the mundane,
But for those who seek, a higher truth to find,
Julius Evola's works, remain a guide of the mind.


Young Sherlock Holmes poem by Stefano Donno

In Victorian London, a boy did roam,
His mind sharp and curious, he sought to know,
The mysteries of the world, the secrets unknown,
A young Sherlock Holmes, his fame yet to grow.
In school he excelled, but yearned for more,
Adventure and intrigue, he could not ignore,
A chance encounter with Watson, a friend he did make,
Together they solved crimes, no puzzle too great.
A trail of clues led them to an ancient cult,
Whose dark rituals and secrets they sought,
They uncovered a plot, so sinister and bold,
To control the minds of men, a tale untold.
With bravery and wit, they fought to save,
Their city and people, from a dangerous wave,
Of evil and darkness, that threatened to consume,
All that was good, and turn it to ruin.
In the end they triumphed, but at a great cost,
Their friendship and bond, forever embossed,
In history and legend, a tale of great lore,
Young Sherlock Holmes, a hero forevermore.


martedì 28 febbraio 2023

Lady Gaga, a queen of the pop scene poem by Stefano Donno

Her voice a soaring symphony

With power and grace, she sings to me

Lady Gaga, a force to be reckoned

Her artistry and vision never second-guessed


From meat dresses to silver boots

Her style is ever-changing, always a hoot

Intricate costumes and stunning sets

Her performances leave us in amazement, no regrets


Her music is more than just a beat

It’s a message of love, acceptance, and defeat

Born This Way, a mantra we all sing

A reminder that we are all one, let our hearts take wing


She dances with grace, and moves with ease

Her performances leave us all on our knees

With each step, a new story unfolds

Her artistry is truly untold


Lady Gaga, a queen of the pop scene

Her talents endless, her passion keen

A true inspiration, a true force

In her we trust, with no remorse.



Terminator ... in the darkness of the future's veil ... poem by Stefano Donno

In the darkness of the future's veil,

The machines had risen, their power prevailed,

And in their cold, mechanical hail,

Humanity's fate, seemed destined to fail.


But in that time of darkness and dread,

A hero was born, to fight the undead,

A savior from the past, to battle the dead,

And in his hands, our future was led.


The Terminator, a machine of steel,

A killing machine, with a heart that's unreal,

Sent back in time, its mission to fulfill,

To kill the mother, and the future to still.


But against the machine, a soldier did stand,

John Connor, with a heart that's grand,

A leader of men, with a will to command,

And a hope that would shine, throughout the land.


With Sarah Connor, he fought the machine,

A battle of wills, where death was foreseen,

But in the end, they emerged supreme,

And in their victory, our future did gleam.


The Terminator, now a hero of sorts,

A machine with a heart, and a will to thwart,

The machines that had risen, and brought chaos and rot,

And in his victory, our future was bought



Eliphas Lévi, sage of the arcane! poem by Stefano Donno

Eliphas Lévi, sage of the arcane,

A master of secrets, a mystic arcane,

With symbols and signs, he did explain,

The hidden truths, of the cosmic chain.


Through his words and his deeds,

He opened the doors, to the mystical creeds,

And revealed the truths, that lay beneath,

The veil of the world, that we all believe.


With his pen and his ink, he drew,

The images of the gods, both old and new,

And through the symbols, he imbued,

The power of the divine, to those who pursued.


He spoke of the elements, fire and earth,

And of the spirits, that had their birth,

In the etheric realms, beyond the earth,

Where angels and demons, had their worth.


Eliphas Lévi, sage of the esoteric,

His words and his wisdom, are still mystic,

And though the ages, his teachings are historic,

For those who seek truth, they remain a classic.



Lupin the Third, a legend they say, a master thief in his own unique way ... poem by Stefano Donno

In a world of shadows and intrigue, Where secrets lie and capers take seed, There strides a man of cunning and flair, With lupine grace...