domenica 19 febbraio 2023

Sephiroth poem by Stefano Donno

 From highest heights to depths below,

The Sephirotic tree doth glow,

A ladder stretching to the skies,

With ten spheres that before us rise.


At Keter's peak, the crown sublime,

The light of Ein Sof doth shine,

A spark divine that doth ignite,

The path to heaven's purest light.


From there, to Hokmah's sphere we come,

Wisdom's source, the primal sum,

The light that emanates from here,

Will shape creation far and near.


Next, we reach the sphere of Binah,

Understanding's seat, the mother,

Her insight guides us to discern,

The truths that we so often yearn.


With Chesed's sphere, we find the love,

That rains down from the heavens above,

A love that's pure, a love that's true,

A love that guides us through and through.


Next, we come to Gevurah's might,

The power that sets the world aright,

The force that balances with care,

The forces that we often dare.


Then, Tiferet's sphere we see,

A place of beauty, harmony,

A place where all the spheres unite,

In perfect balance, pure and bright.


From here, to Netzach's sphere we go,

The sphere of victory, the glow,

That powers us to conquer all,

And rise up when we may fall.


Then, Hod's sphere we do discover,

The place of glory and of honor,

A place where wisdom's power shines,

And knowledge that transcends all times.


Finally, Yesod's sphere we find,

The gateway to the soul refined,

The place where all our dreams arise,

And we discover truth and lies.


At last, we reach the final sphere,

Malkuth, the world we all hold dear,

The physical realm where we abide,

And all our souls in it reside.


And so, the Sephirotic tree,

Reveals to us the mystery,

Of how the universe was made,

And how our lives have been portrayed.



To be Freddy or not to be Freddy poem by Stefano Donno

In dreams we seek escape and rest,

A respite from the world's cruel test,

But in these halls of nightmare dread,

Our fears are made alive instead.


A gloved hand, blades sharp and gleaming,

In the darkness, silently scheming,

A twisted figure, burned and scarred,

With power over dreams, a king bizarre.


He preys upon the youth at night,

Their screams and pleas just fuel his might,

For in their slumber, he has found,

A way to bring his madness round.


Freddy Krueger, name feared and loathed,

A phantom of a past engrossed,

In murder, violence, and revenge,

A killer who refuses to avenge.


For he was burned, condemned to die,

By parents seeking justice high,

But in their haste, they took his life,

And birthed a demon, filled with strife.


Now in their dreams, he takes his toll,

On those whose parents played a role,

In his demise, he seeks to wreak,

A bloody vengeance, cruel and bleak.


So in this film of horror's reign,

We see a killer, born of pain,

A monster who defies the grave,

A nightmare from which none are saved.



sabato 18 febbraio 2023

The order of the Illuminati reigns .... poem by Stefano Donno

Amidst the shadows and the night,

The order of the Illuminati reigns,

Their secrets hidden from plain sight,

As they pull the strings and play their games.


With whispered words and hidden signs,

They plot and scheme with subtle grace,

Their power vast, their reach divine,

As they guide the course of human race.


The truth they guard, the lies they spin,

A veil of mystery shrouds their ways,

And those who seek to look within,

Are lost within their endless maze.


But in the darkness, there's a spark,

A glimmer of the hidden light,

That leads the seekers through the dark,

Towards the truth that shines so bright.


For the Illuminati's ancient lore,

Is not just power, greed and fame,

But knowledge, wisdom and much more,

That we all seek, yet can't obtain.


So let us keep the flame alive,

And strive to seek the hidden light,

For in the end, the truth shall thrive,

And banish all the shadows of the night.



venerdì 17 febbraio 2023

The Golem ... poem by Stefano Donno

From the depths of the earth and the power of stone,

The Golem was brought forth to make its home,

A being of magic, of clay and of mud,

Forged with the power of a holy word.


Inscribed upon its forehead, the sacred name,

A symbol of power, a source of flame,

And with a single word from the Rabbi's tongue,

The Golem was born, with a mission begun.


A protector of the Jewish people, it was made,

To guard them from harm and keep them safe,

With strength beyond measure and a heart of gold,

The Golem was a hero, brave and bold.


But its power was feared, its magic unknown,

And some sought to destroy it, to cast it out on its own,

But the Golem was steadfast, it would not yield,

For it knew its mission, and it would not yield.


With its strength and its will, it stood its ground,

And protected the people, with a resounding sound,

A testament to the power of faith and belief,

The Golem was a symbol, of hope and relief.


So remember the Golem, a magical figure of old,

A protector of people, brave and bold,

And with the power of faith, and the strength of stone,

We too can be heroes, and make our world our home.



In the depths of the Twilight Zone ... poem by Stefano Donno

In the depths of the Twilight Zone,

Where the boundaries of reality are unknown,

A place of shadows, a place of mystery,

Where the past, present and future are history.


A place where time stands still,

And the impossible can be real,

Where the laws of nature do not apply,

And the boundaries of the mind amplify.


In this place of wonder and dread,

The imagination can take flight instead,

Where the impossible is possible and the improbable is true,

And the mind can explore the depths of what it can do.


In the Twilight Zone, the unexpected can appear,

And the things that you fear are suddenly near,

Where the mysteries of the universe unfold,

And the secrets of the mind are told.


So enter if you dare,

Into the depths of the Twilight Zone where,

The impossible is possible and the unreal is real,

And the boundaries of reality no longer conceal.



giovedì 16 febbraio 2023

Dark and diabolical is the way ... poem by Stefano Donno

Dark and diabolical is the way

Of Anton LaVey and his notorious sway

The enemy of traditional religious thought

His wisdom has been duly sought


Heresy is his calling card

An advocate of rational and daring regard

He stands in defiance of the status quo

Faithfully, onward he does go


His Satanic teachings a challenge to embrace

A heresy of the mind, a fire to race

The courage to embrace the darkness within

This is the power and strength therein


Anton LaVey, his lessons to learn

A philosophy of the rebel, an ember that burns

A fire to bring us closer to the core

This is his legacy, forevermore.



mercoledì 15 febbraio 2023

The spirit of Christine lives on … poem by Stefano Donno

The spirit of Christine lives on,

A relic of a bygone era,

A vintage car that can't be gone,

Enshrined in a river of fear.


She's been around for years,

Yet she still lingers on,

A terror of the people she nears,

A force to be reckoned with strong.


Her engine roars, her paint so red,

A car with a dark, sinister fate,

Powerful and menacing, she spreads dread,

An '83 relic of an antiquated state.


Christine will never die,

A ghostly car that glides,

A vintage ride from the past that defies

Time and the darkness it hides.


A galaxy far away … poem by Stefano Donno

A galaxy far away

A story of good and evil

Return of the Jedi


A princess in disguise

Luke and Leia's family ties

A force for good


Jedi Knights and their swords

The emperor's dark force lords

Darth Vader strong


The fight for freedom begins

The Rebel Alliance wins

Good defeats evil


A celebration in the sky

A joyous reunion, no more goodbye

A new hope for us all.




martedì 14 febbraio 2023

In the ancient tome of secrets untold ... poem by Stefano Donno

In the ancient tome of secrets untold,

Lies a world of magic, so rare and bold.

A book of shadows, of power and might,

Whispers of spells, in the dim candlelight.


With each turn of the page, a new tale unfolds,

Of witches and wizards, of legends so old.

A grimoire of knowledge, a path to explore,

With the flicker of flame, and the creak of the door.


The pages are ancient, the ink fades away,

But the magic within it, will never decay.

A spellbook of wonder, a key to the past,

A guide to the future, that's sure to last.


From the mysteries of the moon to the stars up high,

The book of shadows holds the secrets to why,

The world is so wondrous, so wild and free,

And with each turn of the page, we unlock the key.


So take heed of the wisdom, inscribed on each page,

For the power it holds, is beyond any age.

A book of shadows, a portal to the divine,

That unlocks the magic, of the worlds intertwined.



In the murky depths of the swamp so green ... poem by Stefano Donno

In the murky depths of the swamp so green,

Where the creatures crawl and the vines convene,

Lurks a hero with a heart of moss,

A protector of the swamp at any cost.


He rose from the muck, a creature so strange,

His form transformed by a dangerous change.

From human to beast, he stood so tall,

With powers beyond, he answered the call.


Swamp Thing, they called him, a savior so true,

Fighting for justice, and the environment too.

With his strength and courage, he battles the foe,

Defending the swamp, where the wild things grow.


From the depths of the water to the sky up above,

Swamp Thing endures, a hero full of love.

For the land he calls home, he'll always defend,

A protector of nature, a hero till the end.



Lupin the Third, a legend they say, a master thief in his own unique way ... poem by Stefano Donno

In a world of shadows and intrigue, Where secrets lie and capers take seed, There strides a man of cunning and flair, With lupine grace...