lunedì 13 febbraio 2023

Tron ... in a world beyond our sigh ... poem by Stefano Donno

In a world beyond our sight,

A place of neon lights so bright,

Where programs live and roam,

And the Grid is their home.


A hero brave, with circuits strong,

On a quest to right a wrong,

He enters the digital world,

Where the lines of truth are blurred.


With light cycles racing fast,

And battles fought that never seem to last,

He fights for what he knows is right,

In a world of darkness, where the good must shine its light.


The Master Control Program, with power in its grasp,

Has taken hold and seeks to outlast,

But our hero, with his courage and his might,

Will bring an end to the darkness, and restore the Grid's light.


So let us remember this tale,

Of a world beyond our reach,

Where the lines between good and evil are so clear,

And the battle for what's right, is so near.


For in Tron, we see a world,

That's both strange and yet so real,

Where the power of the human spirit,

Can conquer even the strongest of foes and reveal.



Wicca or in the circle of light poem by Stefano Donno

In the circle of light, we gather 'round,

With candles that flicker, on the ground.

The elements we call, air, fire, earth and sea,

To bring forth the magic, for all to see.


We honor the moon, and the power of the sun,

For the light of the day, and the dark of the night.

We cast spells with words, and the power of our will,

To heal and protect, and bring peace to our lives.


We trust in the cycle, of birth, life, and death,

And the wisdom that comes, with each passing breath.

We honor the goddess, and the god so bright,

For they guide us always, and bring us light.


We are one with the earth, and all living things,

And we walk in harmony, with the cycles of the seasons.

We believe in the power, of manifestation and love,

For it brings forth all blessings, from the heavens above.


So let us all gather, under the light of the moon,

And call forth the magic, in this sacred room.

With love in our hearts, and peace in our souls,

We'll celebrate the magic, and watch as it unfolds.



domenica 12 febbraio 2023

Poltergeist poem by Stefano Donno

A house, once warm, now filled with fear,

A family's home, now haunted, unclear,

By spirits that lurk, both day and night,

With powers beyond our limited sight.


The TV flickers, a ghostly tune,

A message from beyond, sent too soon,

The daughter, taken, lost in the fray,

Trapped in a world, beyond the fray.


The family's desperate, seeking release,

From the terror that brings them to their knees,

They call upon those who understand,

The science of the supernatural, hand in hand.


The poltergeists grow stronger every day,

Their grip on the girl, won't slip away,

But hope remains, in the form of faith,

That the family will be reunited, come what may.


So heed the tale of the Poltergeist,

A story that's both haunting and lifted,

A lesson of love, that can conquer all,

Even the forces that threaten to fall.



The ancient book of Mutus Liber poem by Stefano Donno

The ancient book of Mutus Liber,

A tome of alchemic desire,

Its pages filled with cryptic verse,

A journey to the universe.


Its secrets, long forgotten in time,

The quest for gold, the pursuit of rhyme,

The philosopher's stone, a goal so grand,

Transmutation, with a flick of the hand.


The illustrations, like tales untold,

Of dragons, serpents, and beasts of old,

The symbols, a code that only a few,

Can decipher, and wisdom imbue.


The journey to enlightenment's door,

A path that so few have explored,

But those who dare to seek its light,

Shall bask in glory, free from fright.


So heed the words of Mutus Liber,

Embrace the alchemic endeavor,

And unlock the secrets of the universe,

With the power of the philosopher's verse.



Lupin the Third, a legend they say, a master thief in his own unique way ... poem by Stefano Donno

In a world of shadows and intrigue, Where secrets lie and capers take seed, There strides a man of cunning and flair, With lupine grace...