venerdì 10 marzo 2023

The Fly poem by Stefano Donno

In the lab, the experiment begins,

A man and machine, merging within.

Teleportation, a scientific dream,

But little did they know, of what it would seem.


The fly, the unsuspecting guest,

A transformation, quite grotesque.

Slowly, surely, it starts to merge,

A nightmare, a horror, a terrifying surge.


The man, once handsome, now a beast,

The fly, once small, now a feast.

A tragedy, a curse, a fate unkind,

A warning, to all who seek to find.


The boundaries of science, the limits of man,

Should not be crossed, without a plan.

For what we do, can come at a cost,

And the consequences, cannot be lost.


The fly, a symbol, of what can be,

When we play with nature, carelessly.

A lesson, for us all to heed,

To tread with caution, and not to exceed.


For in the end, we all must pay,

The price of our curiosity, one day.

And the fly, a reminder, of what can be,

When we don't respect, the laws of destiny.



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