mercoledì 29 marzo 2023

In Eastwick town where witches dwell, three friends, their lives not going well ... poem by Stefano Donno

In Eastwick town where witches dwell,

Three friends, their lives not going well,
Yearn for love and passion true,
And cast a spell, as witches do.
Soon after, from out of the blue,
A man appears, handsome and new,
And each of them he does pursue,
With charm and wit, and all things taboo.
But as they revel in their newfound bliss,
They realize the man they cannot miss,
Is not all he seems, and in their midst,
A devilish secret he does enlist.
With magic and mayhem, they fight the foe,
And learn the power they never did know,
As witches of Eastwick, they overthrow,
The devil's reign, and make him go.
And when the dust has finally cleared,
The witches of Eastwick stand revered,
As heroes of the town, and no longer feared,
For they have conquered what they once revered.
So if you find yourself in Eastwick town,
Beware of witches and their powerful crown,
For they can bring both smiles and frowns,
And turn your world, upside down.


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