martedì 14 marzo 2023

In the world of Labyrinth ... poem by Stefano Donno

In the world of Labyrinth, a tale so bold

A young girl's journey, a story to be told

With David Bowie's voice, enchanting and wise

She faces her fears, and her courage she tries


Through a maze of twists and turns she roams

With goblins and creatures, she's never alone

She seeks the Goblin King, a man so sly

To rescue her baby brother before time flies


With her loyal friends, she braves the unknown

Her strength and wit, her only throne

The Labyrinth, a place so wild and strange

A world of magic, where anything can change


In the end, she learns the truth so bright

That her love for her brother, her shining light

Is all that matters, in the face of the dark

And with her heart, she makes her mark


The Labyrinth, a journey so grand

A story of growth, of taking a stand

In the face of adversity, she prevails

And in our hearts, her story never fails.



In Botticelli's painting, a mother and child ... poem by Stefano Donno

In Botticelli's painting, a mother and child

Grace the pages of a book, open and mild

The Madonna del Libro, a portrait so dear

Reflects the love of a mother so clear


Her gaze is fixed upon the child she holds

Wrapped in a swaddle of silks and golds

The infant Jesus, so gentle and sweet

With tiny hands and delicate feet


In the pages of the book, we can see

A world of wonder and mystery

A world of knowledge and endless delight

That the mother shares with her son so bright


The Madonna del Libro, a work of art

That captures the love in a mother's heart

The bond between a mother and child

In Botticelli's painting, forever preserved and compiled.



lunedì 13 marzo 2023

Karate Kid ... In the 80s, a story began, of a boy who learned to fight like a man, with a wise sensei ... poem by Stefano Donno

In the 80s, a story began,

Of a boy who learned to fight like a man,
With a wise sensei, he learned the way,
Of karate, to triumph every day.
From LA to Okinawa's shore,
Daniel-san faced his fears and more,
Against foes who wished to see him fail,
He persevered, his spirit did prevail.
Miyagi's teachings, a fatherly guide,
For Daniel-san, he'd always provide,
Lessons of balance, focus, and strength,
To help him stand up, no matter the length.
In Japan, he faced a new test,
Against an enemy, Miyagi knew best,
Daniel-san showed his heart and might,
With his karate, he fought for what was right.
Back in the States, the battle still raged,
Against a rival, who seemed enraged,
But Daniel-san, with his spirit and skill,
Rose to the challenge, with a steadfast will.
Karate Kid, a tale of honor and pride,
With heart and soul, it stood the test of time,
For in the end, it taught us all,
That with perseverance, we can stand tall..


In Edo's time, a land of grace ... poem by Stefano Donno

In Edo's time, a land of grace,

A city flourished with ancient grace,
With streets that sang of samurai might,
And geishas' beauty in the night.
The cherry blossoms danced in the breeze,
As the people lived their lives with ease,
And the temples stood tall and proud,
In the heart of the city, never to be bowed.
The tea ceremony, a ritual of peace,
As the shoguns' power showed no release,
And the kabuki plays entertained,
The people with their stories, forever ingrained.
From the bustling markets to the tranquil parks,
Edo's spirit never ceased to embark,
On a journey of art and culture,
A world of wonder for every adventurer.
As the sun set on this ancient land,
The memories of Edo, forever grand,
For the legacy of this time still lives on,
In the hearts of those whose love is never gone



domenica 12 marzo 2023

Deep in space ... poem by Stefano Donno

Deep in space, a journey long,

A lone ship travels, its crew strong.

Their mission clear, their path is set,

But little do they know what they'll soon get.


A distress signal, a planet to land,

An unknown world, a barren land.

A place that seems devoid of life,

But deep beneath, trouble thrives.


In the darkness, creatures wait,

Hiding in shadows, filled with hate.

Their bodies morph and change with ease,

A horde of monsters that seek to please.


The crew fights back with all their might,

As they struggle to survive the night.

But their numbers dwindle, their hope grows thin,

As they face an enemy that cannot be beaten.


Yet in the midst of fear and strife,

A woman stands, fierce in life.

Her strength and courage give the crew hope,

As they fight for survival and learn to cope.


The battle rages on, both sides fierce,

But in the end, it is the woman who pierces

The heart of the monster, the queen of all,

As she triumphs over the alien thrall.


The crew escapes, but not unscathed,

For in their hearts, the memories engraved.

Of a battle fought, of a fight for life,

Of a journey through space, a world of strife.


So let us remember the tale of the crew,

And honor the woman who fought through and through.

For in their journey, we can see,

The power of humanity, the will to be free.



In the world of Macondo poem by Stefano Donno

In the world of Macondo,
A magical place of mystique,
A place where love and death entwine,
Where the impossible meets the unique.

A world of yellow butterflies,
And men who are struck with insomnia,
Where the women have beauty in their bones,
And the dead return to the living.

Marquez's world is one of wonder,
Of stories both strange and surreal,
Of memories that linger and last,
Of fates both cruel and ideal.

From the pages of his novels,
A world of magic and imagination,
A place where we can escape reality,
And dream without limitation.

So let us journey to his world,
And explore the depths of his mind,
Let us revel in the richness of his tales,
And the beauty that we find.

For in the world of Gabriel Garcia Marquez,
We can discover a world anew,
A place where our spirits can soar,
And our hearts can be made brand new.



Lupin the Third, a legend they say, a master thief in his own unique way ... poem by Stefano Donno

In a world of shadows and intrigue, Where secrets lie and capers take seed, There strides a man of cunning and flair, With lupine grace...