sabato 4 marzo 2023

In the dark of night, beneath the moon's bright light A transformation occurs, a beastly sight ... poem by Stefano Donno

In the dark of night, beneath the moon's bright light
A transformation occurs, a beastly sight
For the boy becomes a wolf, wild and free
And he runs through the woods, with glee
He leaps and he howls, with a primal call
As he runs through the forest, tall
And the people below, they stare in awe
As they watch this creature, without a flaw
He's Teen Wolf, the boy with the fur
A creature of instinct, with a wild purr
And he runs through the night, with all his might
Unfettered and free, in the moon's light
With every step, he feels the power
The strength and the speed, of the midnight hour
And he revels in it, with a fierce delight
For he's Teen Wolf, and he rules the night
So if you ever find yourself in the woods
And you hear a howl, that echoes through the goods
Just remember, it's only Teen Wolf, you see
Running free, wild and happy, as he can be.


venerdì 3 marzo 2023

Amidst the chaos and the din, a leader rose with a mighty grin, his name was Trump, Donald Trump! poem by Stefano Donno

Amidst the chaos and the din,
A leader rose with a mighty grin,
His name was Trump, and he proclaimed
To make America great again.
He spoke with power and with pride,
A forceful voice that could not be denied,
His words a promise to all who heard,
To restore the nation, every word.
With rhetoric bold and brash,
He roused the crowds with a single flash,
And with a wave of his hand,
He united a divided land.
He claimed to know the way,
To guide America through the fray,
But as the days turned into years,
His actions brought more pain than cheers.
A man of wealth and fame,
His presidency was not the same,
His ego bruised by every slight,
His Twitter feed a constant fight.
And now the years have passed,
His term a memory that will not last,
A cautionary tale of power and might,
Of a leader who lost his way in the fight.


In the dead of night, when all is still, And darkness creeps in with a chil ... poem by Stefano Donno

In the dead of night, when all is still,

And darkness creeps in with a chill,
There lurks a terror, a fearful fright,
A vampire stalking, in Fright Night.
His eyes aglow, with a hunger deep,
He preys upon the innocent in their sleep,
And though they scream and try to fight,
They fall beneath his deadly might.
But one young man, with a heart so brave,
Decides to face the vampire, and save
His town from terror, from endless night,
In Fright Night's eerie, haunting sight.
With a friend by his side, he sets out to slay,
The vampire that haunts them night and day,
And though the odds are stacked so high,
He won't back down, he'll fight or die.
In a battle fierce, with stakes and fire,
He faces the vampire's deadly desire,
And though he's battered, bruised, and torn,
He emerges victorious, with the break of dawn.
For in the end, it's not just about the fight,
But the courage to stand up for what's right,
And in Fright Night's dark and ominous place,
One young man found his own inner grace.


Lupin the Third, a legend they say, a master thief in his own unique way ... poem by Stefano Donno

In a world of shadows and intrigue, Where secrets lie and capers take seed, There strides a man of cunning and flair, With lupine grace...