mercoledì 15 febbraio 2023

A galaxy far away … poem by Stefano Donno

A galaxy far away

A story of good and evil

Return of the Jedi


A princess in disguise

Luke and Leia's family ties

A force for good


Jedi Knights and their swords

The emperor's dark force lords

Darth Vader strong


The fight for freedom begins

The Rebel Alliance wins

Good defeats evil


A celebration in the sky

A joyous reunion, no more goodbye

A new hope for us all.




martedì 14 febbraio 2023

In the ancient tome of secrets untold ... poem by Stefano Donno

In the ancient tome of secrets untold,

Lies a world of magic, so rare and bold.

A book of shadows, of power and might,

Whispers of spells, in the dim candlelight.


With each turn of the page, a new tale unfolds,

Of witches and wizards, of legends so old.

A grimoire of knowledge, a path to explore,

With the flicker of flame, and the creak of the door.


The pages are ancient, the ink fades away,

But the magic within it, will never decay.

A spellbook of wonder, a key to the past,

A guide to the future, that's sure to last.


From the mysteries of the moon to the stars up high,

The book of shadows holds the secrets to why,

The world is so wondrous, so wild and free,

And with each turn of the page, we unlock the key.


So take heed of the wisdom, inscribed on each page,

For the power it holds, is beyond any age.

A book of shadows, a portal to the divine,

That unlocks the magic, of the worlds intertwined.



In the murky depths of the swamp so green ... poem by Stefano Donno

In the murky depths of the swamp so green,

Where the creatures crawl and the vines convene,

Lurks a hero with a heart of moss,

A protector of the swamp at any cost.


He rose from the muck, a creature so strange,

His form transformed by a dangerous change.

From human to beast, he stood so tall,

With powers beyond, he answered the call.


Swamp Thing, they called him, a savior so true,

Fighting for justice, and the environment too.

With his strength and courage, he battles the foe,

Defending the swamp, where the wild things grow.


From the depths of the water to the sky up above,

Swamp Thing endures, a hero full of love.

For the land he calls home, he'll always defend,

A protector of nature, a hero till the end.



lunedì 13 febbraio 2023

Tron ... in a world beyond our sigh ... poem by Stefano Donno

In a world beyond our sight,

A place of neon lights so bright,

Where programs live and roam,

And the Grid is their home.


A hero brave, with circuits strong,

On a quest to right a wrong,

He enters the digital world,

Where the lines of truth are blurred.


With light cycles racing fast,

And battles fought that never seem to last,

He fights for what he knows is right,

In a world of darkness, where the good must shine its light.


The Master Control Program, with power in its grasp,

Has taken hold and seeks to outlast,

But our hero, with his courage and his might,

Will bring an end to the darkness, and restore the Grid's light.


So let us remember this tale,

Of a world beyond our reach,

Where the lines between good and evil are so clear,

And the battle for what's right, is so near.


For in Tron, we see a world,

That's both strange and yet so real,

Where the power of the human spirit,

Can conquer even the strongest of foes and reveal.



Lupin the Third, a legend they say, a master thief in his own unique way ... poem by Stefano Donno

In a world of shadows and intrigue, Where secrets lie and capers take seed, There strides a man of cunning and flair, With lupine grace...