sabato 11 febbraio 2023

In a city dark, with neon light ... poem by Stefano Donno

 In a city dark, with neon light,

Where rain falls down like tears all night,

There walks a man, a hunter of sorts,

With eyes that see what others cannot.


He's a Blade Runner, in pursuit of truth,

Chasing down androids who masquerade as human.

But as he hunts, he starts to see,

That the line between human and machine, is thin and blurred indeed.


In this world of replicants and tech,

Where corporations rule with iron hand,

He must navigate a maze of deceit,

And question what it means to be a man.


For as he chases his elusive prey,

He learns the truth about himself and all he knew.

And in the end, he must decide,

Whether to end the lives of those not truly alive, or let them live anew.


So come and journey to this place,

Where science fiction meets the soul.

And ponder on the human race,

In the world of Blade Runner, where the rain never grows old.



In the court of Queen Elizabeth ... poem by Stefano Donno

In the court of Queen Elizabeth,

There lived a man, both wise and brave.

A scholar, seer, and alchemist,

Whose magic and knowledge did save.


His name was John Dee, a mystic,

Who sought to know the mysteries of life.

He studied stars, and communed with angels,

And sought to heal the world with magic and light.


With crystal spheres and ancient texts,

And tools both strange and arcane,

He summoned forth the spirits of the air,

And asked for knowledge that would change.


And through the veil between the worlds,

The angels spoke to him each night.

They showed him visions of the future,

And gave him wisdom that was bright.


So heed the lessons of John Dee,

And seek the magic that he sought.

For in the world of magic and mystery,

There is a treasure that is still sought.



venerdì 10 febbraio 2023

Conan, the mighty warrior bold ... poem by Stefano Donno

Conan, the mighty warrior bold,

A hero with no riches, yet with tales of old.

A journey of strength with foes to foretell,

A path of fate that leads to a hidden well.


A savage fight to earn his right,

The blade of sword a power to ignite.

Beyond the gates of time and space,

A new destiny, a new plight in place.


A barbarian, a man of strength and might,

The allegory of his story, a great delight.

Conan, the brave, the tough and strong,

His legend will live on in this timeless song.



The magic of Harry Potter brings joy to our heart … poem by Stefano Donno

Mysterious and bright, a world of magic and spells,

Where witches and wizards use their magical spells.

Where brooms fly high, and wands weave magic charms,

The power of magic brings the world to life in its arms.


From the potions that cure and the spells that attack,

Every spell and charm adds a unique kind of track.

From the stones of Hermione to the wand of Voldemort,

The wizarding world's full of fantastic stories untold.


The magical creatures and the sorcerer's stone,

The horror of Voldemort's death and the power of Dumbledore's wand.

The Chamber of Secrets and the Philosopher's Stone,

Unlock secrets of magic and cast powerful spells of unknown.


The magic of Harry Potter brings joy to our heart,

The power of the spells gives us strength to restart,

The power of the spells to battle dark arts,

The spell of the wand to save the world from its end.



Cthulhu, the Great Old One poem by Stefano Donno

From ages passed, beyond this world

The Necronomicon its secrets holds

In ancient tongues its pages speak

Of arcane things no mortal should seek


Cthulhu, the Great Old One

Dreaded by some and worshipped by some

He who sleeps beneath the waves

In R'lyeh, his sunken city of graves


From the stars they came, these dreaded beings

To leave their mark on earth and seas

Their unspeakable horror through our dreams

Remembered by mankind with screams


The secrets of the ancients, they will share

But too much knowledge can be a burden to bear

For those that cross the forbidden line

Will find themselves in a world of fear and fright


Listen closely to the words of the Necronomicon

For they can save you, if only you listen well

But beware, for the more you know

The more you may find yourself in peril.



Lupin the Third, a legend they say, a master thief in his own unique way ... poem by Stefano Donno

In a world of shadows and intrigue, Where secrets lie and capers take seed, There strides a man of cunning and flair, With lupine grace...